Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hi, Mark here. Fresh from the works is my new perl calculator that handles multiplication, division, aaddition, subtraction, and powers. It is extremely simple, but still powerful. Hopefully I will be able to add a big math function to allow it to work with numbers like googol and larger. I programed this in nano, a linux editor like vi. well, without further ado, here is my calculator.
#Program by Mark, also (C) of him too, so don't steal it! #

$Retry = "Y";
print "Hello, and welcome to calculator! This version, 1.0 can handle Multiplication,
Addition, Subtraction, powers, and Division. To exit, type control+C. Improvments are in the works,
so please keep posted!
Thank you for using my software!\n";
while ($Retry eq "Y")
$Retry = "N";
print "What problem would you like solved?\n";
$MasterInput = ;
chomp $MasterInput;
if ($MasterInput =~ /(\d+)([\*\+\^\/\-])(\d+)/)
print "Please try the form number-operation-number (6*7)\n";
$Retry = "Y";
if ($Operation eq "*")
&multiply("$Input1", "$Input2");

elsif ($Operation eq "/")
÷("$Input1", "$Input2");

elsif ($Operation eq "+")
&add("$Input1", "$Input2");

elsif ($Operation eq "-")
&subtract("$Input1", "$Input2");

elsif ($Operation eq "^")
&power("$Input1", "$Input2");

sub multiply
$Output = $_[0] * $_[1];
print "The answer is $Output\n";

sub divide
$Output = $_[0] / $_[1];
print "The answer is $Output\n";

sub add
$Output = $_[0] + $_[1];
print "The answer is $Output\n";

sub subtract
$Output = $_[0] - $_[1];
print "The answer is $Output\n";

sub power
$Output = $_[0] ** $_[1];
print "The answer is $Output\n";

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