Hi. This is my fist time posting, so please be kind. I'm a noob.
Recently, I was on the web when I got the Idea to make a hydroponic garden. A hydroponic garden is where you grow plants with no soil. Instead, you use a nutrient laden liquid. In my case, I am useing a solution of miracle grow that is concentrated to twice the normal nutrient level. As you can see in the first picture, this is a fairly simple set-up, and I am useing stuff I have laying around the house. I used a laundry detergent bucket as a nutrient resovoir, with a green hose leading into a bassin. The clamp you see is a cheep version of a flow regulator. BEWARE this ruins the hose for any other use by putting a near permanent crease in it. I used some green duct tape to hold the hose in place. This seed (large garden, isn't it?) is hung from a thread which runs up and attaches to the camp. This set-up works because, with a little work I got the clamp to let water through so that it
just makes up for evaporation. This should work for a couple of months before I have to refill the resovoir.

Here is the second of my hydroponic gardens. Here, I just took a juice glass, filled it quarter way with the solution, crunched up a paper towel, and lastly, put some seeds in. This has an advantage and a disadvantage over the other garden. The advantage being that it takes up a lot less space. The disadvantage being that it has to be watered every day, and doesn't have as high a seed capacity. Yet, it still has more seeds.;)
I like this set-up more however, because I don't have a lot of space that my parents will let me get away with.

Finally, just to
prove that I have been busy, I built a bubble machine. It's a little off topic, but it's a story that just had to be told. I started with my big box of k'nex. Also, to use as a fan, I had a fairly powerful fan from an old fan powered RC car. It took a very short time to put the main part together, But the bubble wand was very hard. With some help from my Mom, I got a big enough bowl that let the wand work. Suddenly, I had another problem. The wand was to big. This gave me the Idea of putting the batteries on the back, on top of a platform. It still fell forward so I added the wider base. Then the wand was to high and would not form then thin soap film you need to make a bubble. So the I added the support that lifted the back up and pushed the wand down. Then I duct taped the fan on with
red duct tape. Plug it all in and... Oops... Plugged then fan in backwards and blew bubbles the wrong way... *Fix* there. Yay!!! A bubble sensation! All over the kitchen floor... *Mop* Well, that's enough adventure for today. Bye:)
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